Welcome to Erickson Lutheran Church

We recognize that we are located on the original lands of the Indigenous Poeples specifically Treaty 2 and 4. We respect the Treaties and acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past and present. We are dedicated to learning the truth and to reconciliation. We are grateful for their stewardship of this land and their hospitality which allows us to live, work, worship and serve God the Creator here.

We are an affirming, "open-table" congregration and all are welcome.


Requests for Pastoral services for weddings, funerals and baptisms please contact our Pastor Heather Parrott-Howdle or Office Administrator at 204-636-2259 or email pastor@ericksonlutheranchurch.ca or admin@ericksonlutheranchurch.ca.



April 2024 In-Person Service Schedule - Subject to Change




A Life Worth Wanting: Following Jesus to Purpose and Meaning Discipleship and Membership

I have heard other Pastors talk about how Jesus has become a moral stranger. In other words, what was deeply important to Jesus is too often of little importance to many of us Christians. And what matters to many of us was of little importance to Jesus.

If there is one thing Christian leaders need to concern themselves with in 2024, discipleship regarding Jesus’ vision of a good life is at the top of our list. In other words, what was important to Jesus? What mattered?

And in what ways might we focus on and cultivate a life of habits and loves toward what matters most? It has been shared with me that many of us want to have this conversation.

A survey of university students, said that one of the biggest struggles they had was, “What is the larger meaning of my life?”

We may need help and guidance to describe a vision of the life worth living that could sustain us on every kind of day.

We can do this by posing big, important questions like “What is the place of suffering in a good life?” and cultivating dynamic conversation about the questions in a community. Together, we can reflect on how we answer and live out the answers to these questions in light of the religious and philosophical traditions we ascribe to.

Lately I have wondered, what if discipleship in our churches was centered on these big, important questions? What if discipleship was more about helping us articulate what kind of life is worth wanting for ourselves, our community, the world, and future generations?

When I look at how Jesus taught, it seems to me that he was always more interested in questions than answers.

In fact, as he did in the Good Samaritan story, Jesus often answered people’s questions with a question: “What do you think? Which one of these three was a neighbor to the man who encountered thieves?” (Luke 10:36)

As we think about our own discipleship approaches, it is worth considering how Jesus taught.

In all four of the gospels, upon meeting his closest disciples, Jesus said “follow me.” (In fact, this is one of Jesus’ most often repeated sentences in the gospels.) It was not immediately apparent where the disciples were being asked to go. But it was evident that they were being asked to go somewhere. For contemporary Christian educators, this point is of utmost importance. Christian religious education is not about offering ready-made answers. It is a quest. It is about making decisions, choosing, visioning, practicing—living with Jesus.

And even the earliest followers of Jesus were people of the way. It is a way of life that Jesus invited people into. Following Jesus is a pilgrimage! The journey and the destination are important for us.

The disciples’ quest with Jesus makes them witnesses to his life and teaching. They watch him. They participate in embodied activities like eating together. They hear Jesus teach—but his teaching is not easily outlined. He shares parables, and speaks in metaphors and hyperbole.

As he interacted with people, healed them, taught, prayed, Jesus pointed again and again to the good, to what makes for a meaningful, true life.

What if we centered our discipleship on considering, in light of the life, ministry, and teachings of Jesus…

Let’s keep these questions on our fridge so that we can remind ourselves each day how to follow Jesus by pondering these questions on our pilgrimage on earth.

A kind of discipleship marked by compelling questions and interactive, conversation enlivens our Christian community. It would be a kind of discipleship that invites people to hear the words and reflect on the actions of Jesus in new ways.

It is a kind of discipleship that addresses the deepest longings of people while inviting us to truly reflect on Jesus’s life and what matters most. It inspires us to more closely align our desires, our goals, our habits, and our loves with the life and teachings of Jesus.

Reference: Rev. Dr. Angela Williams Gorrell

In Peace

Rev Heather Parrott-Howdle

If you wish to receive our newsletter, calendar, notification of our services on YouTube, or other notification of services at our Church, please forward your request to admin@ericksonlutheranchurch.ca and you will be added to our mailing list or click on the following links: Newsletter, Calendar, YouTube Services.


Council met on Monday, March 25,2024 at 7:00 p.m. in Erickson Lutheran Church Lower Hall. Cathy Hackenschmidt, Benita Nylen, Earl Wickdahl and Raymond Rossnagel were present. Regrets: Shaun Oakley and Pastor Heather Parrott-Howdle. Benita shared highlights of their trip to Victoria including flight delays going and , today, coming home. Cathy lead Opening Prayer.

The minutes of the February 15th meeting approved as distributed.

Election of Officers:

  • Cathy agreed to remain as Chairperson
  • Shaun agreed to remain as Vice Chairperson (prior to the meeting).
  • Benita agreed to remain as Secretary.
  • Cathy agreed to remain as Treasurer.
  • Maintenance will be coordinated by Earl and Raymond.
  • Since neither Earl nor Raymond were interested in having signing authority, signing authorities for Chequing Account be any two of as set out in 2023 so no changes required at RBC:
    • Chairperson / Treasurer Cathy Hackenschmidt
    • Secretary Benita Nylen
    • Vice Chairperson Shaun Oakley
  • Investment Consultant will remain as Venton Beatty. Cathy will be in contact with individuals to confirm their interest in remaining on Committees.

    Old Business:

    • Land Titles changes: Waiting for the title for Scandinavia Cemetery to arrive from Land Titles Office.. Bethania Cemetery transfer documents to be given to Benita for signing by Bethel Lutheran Society.
    • Parsonage sale: Sylvia-Linda prepared the transfer documentations and tendered same to the other lawyer. Sale went through and documents registered but the Registrar wants all trustees to do the affidavit of lost title. Also wants certified copy of the order not true copy. We are receiving daily interest on $118,500.00 less adjustments; funds still held by purchaser’s solicitor until the title issues resolved.
    • Website update: Postponed until end of April due to Sylvia-Linda’s cataract surgery on April 16 (off until April 22).
    • Flooring: Earl is in charge of repairs to the existing carpet. Council agrees that there will be no flooring improvements by installation of laminate flooring at this time. Laminate on stairs would be a slip and fall hazard. Discussion regarding installation of mat on step outside that would allow debris from shoes to fall through outside and not be tracked inside.
    • Administrative Assistant’s Duties were reviewed. Cathy will discuss with Sylvia-Linda. Cathy, as Treasurer, will be more involved with preparation of financial statements. MOTION that Administrative Assistant paid hours shall not exceed 12 hours per week maximum, that is 3 days a week, 4 hours a day, with one day of 4 hours donated.
    • Pastor’s Salary is for ¾ time as stated in the 2024 budget and is according to MNO Synod guidelines. In office four days per week Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with flex time
    • if services needed on days off.
    • Daniel Burnet, Treasurer , MNO Synod, is really busy right now but will contact Cathy late May or early June. He recommends GIC Investment that allows partial redemption at any time.


    • Financial:

      Cathy reviewed the reports and stated that Council will be monitoring expenses closely on a monthly basis. Reports accepted as presented.

    • Service Schedule:

      April, May and June service schedule of 1st , 2nd and 3rd Sundays by Pastor Heather and 4th Sundays by Cathy or alternate. Cathy will contact Micheal Kvern regarding his availability for any Lay services. June 30th is the 5th Sunday and will be Gospel Sunday. Suggestion made that Communion Sunday in June be moved to Father’s Day Sunday since more people attend this service

    • . Worship & Music:

      No report.

    • Maintenance:

      • - Elevator shoes were replaced last week.
      • Cross light conversion to LED will be addressed in the spring.
      • Sanctuary lighting: Earl will contact Burton Electrical regarding options for LED lighting with ease of bulb replacement.
      • Earl is to be contacted regarding any maintenance issues.
    • Pastor’s:

      Since February 14th meeting: In the office: 4 days per week Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. unless at a funeral, clergy meeting, pastoral visits or Clinical Pastoral Experience: Online classes on Mondays, Tuesdays at BRHC and weekly visits at Erickson and Sandy Lake Care Homes. ON CALL Spiritual Care at Brandon Regional Health Center weekend of March 23 – 24. Pastoral Care Visits: 4 in person, 4 by phone. Palliative Care: none. Services: See Calendar including March 10 service with P.I.E Day videos to promote us being and inclusive and affirming church, March 14 Sandy Lake Care Home service. Outreach Activities: attended a Historical Society presentation re: possibility of a Museum in Erickson to portray the multi-cultural history of the area. Housing: Sun Certified Building Co-op did a presentation to the Erickson Housing Committee via Zoom on March 13. Food Security: Erickson & Area Food Bank, 46 Main Street, PO Box 86, Erickson, MB, Phone: 1-431-399-0399, Website:www.ericksonfoodbank.ca , for e-transfer use the following email: ericksonfoodbankcoordinator@gmail.com. Hours: Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hamper Day is Wednesday from noon to 3 p.m.

    • Administrative:

      Annual Meeting: Finalized financial reports and prepared Annual Report for the AGM. Worship: Continue to learn the different templates for the weekly bulletins. Healthy Baby Program: They will pay January & February and quarterly thereafter. Requested return of signed lease. Membership: prepared the 2024 Responsibility List and now will have to contact those who have not had Communion this past year. Will review and update the Telephone Directory and the list of those receiving mailouts of the weekly services and newsletter with Pastor Heather. Financial: Monthly: reconciliations done for January & February. Yearend: believe we can file the 2023 Charity Return based on the financial statements prepared for the AGM. Usual monthly duties in office, Newsletter, calendar, mail outs. bulletin formatting and printing (also enlarged bulletin for Gunnar), coded and uploaded webpage updates, updating communion, funeral and burial records, cleaning and garbage collection completed. Also got business cards done and printed more communion cards. THANK YOU, Sylvia-Linda!

    • Parklands Youth Hub:

      See as published in Newsletter.
    • Sunday School:

      A keyboard has not been located. A keyboard would be helpful for teaching the kids how to sing.



    New Business:

    • Pastor Heather asked Council to review a YouTube webinar file of LIVING IN A WORLD BEYOND A BINARY GOD: Stories & Challenges of our Trans Neighbors, sponsored by the EfM (Education for Ministry) from an Episcopal church in the states and is very good at explaining parts in the Bible that support diversity of gender, and that it's not a barrier to being loved by God, or a barrier to leadership in the church eg the eunuch in Acts. It is a longer video, but gives stories from the mother of a trans person, a trans reverend and a trans lay leader in a church. Council would support this being offered as a community presentation for all to attend.

    • Date for installation of council: April 7. .

    • Viola and Sue have expressed interest in reaching out to people on the Responsibility List. Council supports their willingness to do this. Cathy will contact Viola and Sue to give them the go ahead. .

    • The box of communion glasses found in storage will be kept.

    Next Meeting: Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. in ELC Lower Hall (to use TV to view Financial Reports, etc and not print paper copies.<

    In closing the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. Adjournment at 8:46 p.m.

    Submitted by Benita Nylen, Secretary


Spring is here but it remains cold and icy. This must be Manitoba.

Open Futures

On Thursday the 21st of March we had a great presentation on Substance Use and Harm Reduction by the always great SERC. Of all the workshops we’ve had I think this was the most interesting and informative. There is a lot of generalized apathy and misunderstanding around this topic these days however, the terrain of substance use is changing rapidly, both in terms of the drugs being used and the treatments being pursued.

Some of the key points were an emphasis on Harm Reduction as a method of helping people who are suffering with addiction. Harm reduction is based on the principle that people suffering from addiction deserve safety and dignity. Many previous therapeutic approaches often drove people dealing with substance abuse into increasingly dangerous and precarious lifestyles due to the shame associated with their situations. This generally just compounded the problems in ways that have become major public health concerns. .

We were also given a tutorial on how to administer Naloxone. Naloxone is a drug used to pull people out of an Opioid overdose. The drug essentially works by pushing opioids out or the receptors in the brain and then blocking those receptors from absorbing the opioids. Naloxone is also a very safe drug since, if there is no opioid in the system, it is simply metabolized with no effect to the person taking it. .

The Canadian Government has launched an initiative to make Naloxone kits freely and widely available to the public. They save many lives each day. They are being distributed to the public because pharmacies, which are businesses, won’t carry them for free, or charge up to $60 per kit. .

The church is now in possession of 8 such kits. If anyone feels they may need a kit, or would like to learn more about the kits, harm reduction, or substance use don’t hesitate to contact me at parklandyouthhub@gmail.com. I can connect you with the appropriate resources. .

In April, Open Futures is looking to host a workshop from Prairie Mountain Health on the topic of their Mental Health resources provided in our area. .


S’upper Club/After School Club

Things are going well. In recent weeks we’ve made some great snacks including “Korean Corn Dogs”. I’m beginning to think the S’upper Club is the best restaurant in Erickson. I look forward to our snacks each week. This upcoming week we are looking at making Bannock Tacos.

Coralee also brought her Virtual Reality headset one day. That was quite the experience. Very strange but quite fun at the same time.


Last week marked the return of Dominik to ARThub. He’s such a talented little artist, I’m always excited to see what he’s going to make.

Open Gyms

Open Gyms is still on hiatus. Many of the students at Onanole Elementary were on extended vacation and there just weren’t enough kids to make it worthwhile. We’re hoping to start something up towards the end of the school year and segue it into a summer athletics program. The idea of a Golf Camp for kids is being considered. It would be great if we could bring some of the local Golf clubs into the fold.

Live Loud

Live Loud was on hiatus as Meg was on vacation for a period. We’re hoping to see it return this month.


We are currently accepting registrations for both a First Aid/CPR course and a Foodsafe course. There are no dates set for the courses yet as we need to make sure enough people are registered before we can set the date. The First Aid course is $95 per person and the Foodsafe course is $90. Each course is roughly 6hrs long. Both are great to have on a resume when looking for work. If you’re interested or know someone who is contact me at parklandyouthhub@gmail.com

We have also received the go ahead to use the church kitchen to prepare food for the public. We’re waiting to receive our certificate but currently Manitoba Health’s Food Safety wing is in a bit of upheaval. But we have received confirmation that once things settle over there we will receive our certificate.

In the financial department, we have finally received our $6000.00 check from the MNO Synod for our successful Compassionate Justice grant application. We’re also waiting to hear back about another major grant from the Synod. The Grant Committee meets in April, so hopefully we will hear soon after that.

We’re also applying for some funding through the Healthy Together Now initiative. I recently had a lengthy conversation with our local rep from the organization, and although I can’t guarantee we would get funding she was very enthusiastic about our programs as they are exactly the types of programs they hope to fund. The application deadline is May 1st.

Submitted by Krisjanis Kaktins-Gorsline, Director


The next Bible study will be on Thursday, APRIL 11TH at 7 pm at Dolores’s house. The topic will be PEACE. Please find meaningful Bible verses to share.


  • May –“ Joy”

  • June – “Humility“
  • September - “Forgiveness”
  • October - “Thankfulness”
  • November - “Faithfulness “

Report Submitted by Dolores Hall


We have a YouTube Channel - Erickson Lutheran Church - where you may access online services.
ELC Service links will be posted on our Facebook page.

We pray for healthcare providers, vaccine suppliers, those who are ill and those who are mourning the loss of loved ones.

Click here to access a Manitoba/NWOntario Lutheran service on the internet.

To receive more updates, please go to the ELC Facebook Page or sign-up for MNO Synod Newsletter for virtual services that are available at www.mnosynod.org.

Click here for information from the MNO Synod and ELCIC regarding regulations surrounding Covid-19.

How we can help to
Meet the Spiritual Needs of our Communities


To continue your financial support to our church, click on “Donate Now” button on ELC Website or Mail cheque to
Erickson Lutheran Church
PO Box 414
Erickson, MB
R0J 0P0

Thank you for donations to our ministry and others

~God’s Peace to All~

If you would like to support our outreach, you can make a donation or an online offering A) via etransfer to tres@ericksonlutheranchurch.ca or B) through Canada Helps by clicking the link below.

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!

If you wish to donate to The Bethel Society, please do not use Canada Helps but forward said donation by way of cheque c/o Erickson Lutheran Church. All donations using the Donate Button will go directly to Erickson Lutheran Church.

Anyone who has difficulty getting out to get supplies or food, please contact us through our Facebook page or call Mary at
Services to Seniors (204)636-7895.

Please call Cliff Nichols (204)848-0505(Council Chair) or Intern Pastor Heather (204)-294-9212 for Pastoral needs

Click here for
directions to Erickson Lutheran Church.

Sunday worship is conducted with the Lutheran Order of Worship. On the third Sunday of the month, a Hymn Sing is held before worship. On the second Sunday of the month there is a Communion Service.

Located just south of beautiful Riding Mountain National Park on Highway 10, Erickson Lutheran Church holds services every Sunday at 10:00am from May to September, and 11:00am from October to April.

All are welcome to the worship services.

Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod

Please share this and encourage all members to sign up for the MNO Synod Newsletter.

We will be using Facebook, our website and our newsletter as our primary ways of communicating with members and want everyone to be informed in a timely manner.

Please CLICK HERE to read the MNO Synod Newsletter


While we are back into in-person services, our services will be available online on the church's Facebook site for those who are unable to come to our in-person services

Anyone wishing to be more involved with our faith community and advocacy please call us at 1-204-636-2259. May the Peace of Christ be with you!